Rosita Hurtado

Fashion designer

From Glamour to Urban Revolution in Miami

In the expansive world of fashion, Rosita Hurtado has established herself as an iconic figure who seamlessly blends style and generosity. Originally from Bolivia, Rosita has built a career that transcends borders, gaining recognition for her unparalleled elegance and commitment to social causes. Now, this talented designer is embarking on a new project that promises to redefine the urban landscape of Wynwood Norte in Miami: Rose@Wynwood.

Educational Background and Professional Accomplishments: Trained at prestigious design schools in Paris, Porto Alegre, London, Madrid, and Fort Lauderdale, Rosita’s work has graced the wardrobes of entertainment stars and adorned the runways of the world’s most significant fashion shows. Her influence and charisma have earned her numerous accolades, including the prestigious “Key to the City of Miami” and recognition as one of the most influential Hispanic women by People en Español magazine.

Philanthropy and Social Impact: Beyond the glitter of high fashion, Rosita Hurtado has shown a profound connection to philanthropy. Through her Latin Angels Foundation, she has led initiatives that have improved the lives of many across Latin America, the United States, and Europe. This dedication to noble causes is reflected in her new architectural endeavor.

Vision for Rose@Wynwood:

Rose@Wynwood is more than a real estate project; it embodies Rosita’s vision for a community where art and fashion intersect. Situated in the vibrant district of Wynwood Norte, this development aims to enhance the urban landscape and foster a creative hub for emerging artists and designers. With her distinctive style, Rosita is creating a space that serves not only as a residence but also as a cultural epicenter, inspiring and connecting the community.

Cultural Fusion and Urban Dynamism:

The impact of Rose@Wynwood on Miami extends beyond architecture. This project symbolizes a fusion of culture and vision, bringing dynamism and vitality to one of the city’s most emblematic areas. Through this new development, Rosita Hurtado is leaving an indelible mark not only in the fashion world but also in the urban evolution of Miami.